Category Archives: kitchen

Two more splash backs

The pantry and laundry both require splash backs.  Rather than choosing tiles, we have decided to continue the pressed metal theme, choosing Mudgee in Pearl White.

Pressed Metal Panels: Mudgee
Pressed Metal Panels: Mudgee


Update: we later changed this to be the same as the kitchen splash back – large brick in Mercury Silver – so that we could save money by ordering less sheets.

Update 2: Mercury Silver is no longer available, so we have chosen a new grey/metallic powder coating.

Update 3: the colour has changed again!  It is now Precious Silver Kinetic Satin.

Dishwasher and Oven

We have had to select a new dishwasher and oven.  Our original selections have been discontinued, so it was back to the drawing board.  Both appliances had been selected using Choice product reviews.  The dishwasher was easy to select as our second choice from the reviews was still available and only slightly more expensive than the original model chosen.  The oven was a lot harder as the only options left from the Choice review were over our budget. Our original oven choice had been upgraded; but the equivalent current model was much more expensive and out of budget as well.  After much internet and in-store research we finally found an alternative.