Category Archives: Harkaway Homes

Roof and Deck Underway

The deck around the front of the house is almost complete.  It’s merbau decking, that comes as part of the Harkaway Package.  It already makes an impact on the frame of the house, and gives it structure.  Our builder has done a great job of installing it.

The roof is also going up.  I couldn’t get any good photos as it so high up, but several sections are complete and the guttering has gone in as well.

Frame Stage Complete

Well, that was quick!  The frame and roof trusses are up.  Its amazing how our perception of the size of this house changes with each stage.  Today, walking through all the rooms, some seemed bigger and others seemed smaller than when we walked through the pencil mark ups.

The house is also so much taller than our neighbours’ houses.  Something that is hard to gauge when looking at the Harkaway display homes as they are not in a suburban setting.  But I wouldn’t change anything, I love my high ceilings already!