A Site Visit and Freecycling

On Friday we had a site visit with our builder’s Project Manager (well he will be if we go ahead wit the contract) and it all went very well.  We walked through the back of the block and agreed on what areas of the back yard we needed to keep clear for access to storm water and sewerage and where we could put the security fence and all the gardening materials that we are going to salvage.  He had no issues with us coming on site to access our stuff, and encouraged us to come and site and check out the building progress.  We do need to move all those stones (argh!) and the water tank, but at least we know where to put to them now.  Interestingly, we asked him about the tree root protection and he said he could see no obvious reason why we would need it, so was going to follow it up for us.  So at this point things are looking up, although do we have quite a few other issues still outstanding.



We have also discovered the Freecycle Network.  Its a place where you can give away and get stuff for free.  There are no fees, its completely grass roots and non-profit and everything is free.  I have already given loads of stuff to the Op Shop, but didn’t know what to do with 2 potted palms that we have, which really don’t fit with the rest of our garden.  I’d read about freecycle in one of the local weekly papers and thought I’d check it out.  I posted the palms last night and by this morning I had a taker, so much better that just throwing them out.



2 comments on “A Site Visit and Freecycling

  1. How good are Prime for the site visits! We are at our block everyday…they never have a problem as long as we don’t hold up the tradies…fair call on that too.
    As for Freecycle its such a great way to reuse and recycle rather than stuff ending up on the skip. We actually freecycled a fair bit of our house before demolition.
    Glad that you have worked out the sewerage/storm water stuff too…

  2. It was great to know we’ll be able to watch how things are progressing. I know there are some builders who lock people out completely until their inspections – that would make me wonder what they are hiding! I think I will be a big user of Freecycle, I hate throwing things in the rubbish – I still have trouble with the concept of demolishing perfectly good houses, but if I can reuse and recycle as much as possible that will reduce our environmentally impact. Every little bit counts.