Category Archives: garden


Hubby has made a good start on putting the backyard back together.  The water tank has been reconnected and the start of the vegie patch is underway.  Lawn seed has been spread around, but this has only served to feed the birds.  There’s not a lot more we can do until the pebbles are moved back to the front yard.  I’m not looking forward to that job – we have moved them three times already!

Starting Landscaping
Starting Landscaping
Starting Landscaping
Starting Landscaping

Starting some landscaping

After all the back breaking work (mostly by hubby) to clear space in our back yard (amongst all our salvage) for the plumbing to be taken from the house to the storm water and sewerage points on the back fence, the plumber has connected both into the old pipes further up the yard!  🙂  At least with that out of the way we (hubby again) have been able to move our water tank back into place and reconnect it, move some of the piles of dirt and start the new vegie patch on the back fence, and even sow some lawn seed.

We also have proper drainage from the roof now.  The sound of the rain running down the pipes was really lovely to hear as I ran through the mud to get inside.

The driveway is more of a “mud-way”, but some of Oscar’s pile of dirt has been moved to level out the front yard.  Concrete base boards have been installed to prevent the boards rotting out from being covered in soil.

Concrete Base Boards
Concrete Base Boards
Mud Driveway
Mud Driveway

Hubby has also wondered who will be the first to back their car into the down pipes!  (It will probably be me!)

Reuse, Recycle and Pack

We are working in the garden again.  Pulling things out, storing them for later when we move back in after the build.  Some of the plants have been in pots for two years – they have all been re-potted to keep them going.  Hopefully only another 12 months.

100s of pavers have been lifted, even the little man has been working had on those.  His dump truck has been doing some hard work up and down the back yard.

We’ve also sold (ebay) and given away (freecycle) many unwanted things, such as old toys and appliances.  The local charity bins are also benefiting from our clean out.  Although it has been a bit traumatic for the little man 🙁 .

Space Bags have become my new best friend!

The pace is still slow, but moving in the right direction. 🙂