A problem with box gutters

Last weekend the weather in Melbourne was very, very cold. We had hail on Friday afternoon as well as rain. When hubby went out to the house on Saturday the plasterer was there and had discovered that some of the flooring in the hallway had water damage. The box gutter had overflowed when the hail caused a dam and didn’t melt.
On investigation the gutter was still full of hail at 2.30 in the afternoon. It seems the hail had filled up the gutter causing the rain to overflow and leak into the house. There was damage to the floor boards, plastering and insulation. It has taken 4 days to put it right. Because the flooring is tongue and groove, it had to be lifted from one of the bedrooms all the way across to the hallway. Plus skirting boards and architraves had to come off.
Harkaway have said this is only second time this has happened. After the first incident the box gutter design was improved, so this is the first occurrence with the new and improved box gutter.
I hope it’s the last!

Hail blocking the box gutter.
Hail blocking the box gutter.
Water damage to the floor boards when the box gutter overflowed due to water damage.
Water damage to the floor boards when the box gutter overflowed due to water damage.


Water damage to the ceiling when the box gutter overflowed due to water damage.
Water damage to the ceiling when the box gutter overflowed due to water damage.
Water damage to the plaster when the box gutter overflowed due to hail
Water damage to the plaster when the box gutter overflowed due to hail
Water damage to the plaster when the box gutter overflowed due to hail
Water damage to the plaster when the box gutter overflowed due to hail
Insulation removed due to water damage when the box gutter was blocked by hail
Insulation removed due to water damage when the box gutter was blocked by hail